Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ransomware prevention

Very short blog post to let you know I now also have an English version of my article 'preventie van ransomware', on how to prevent ransomware.

You can find it as a page (see top of my blog) or here:
Ransomware Prevention

Translations are available in Dutch (Nederlands) and French (français).

Thanks to @WawaSeb for the French translation. If you would like to translate this page in your own language, feel free to do so and send me the link so it can be added.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

All your creds are belong to us

In the past, I've blogged about Steam Stealers (malware that specifically targets gamers and users of Valve's platform) before (see 1, 2), but this blog post will be a bit different.

Working together with Santiago Pontiroli, Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab Global Research and Analysis Team, we've written a paper on these infamous Steam Stealers.

Check out our blog post here or directly download the PDF from here.

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