Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Technoviking ? I am not amused

So yesterday I was looking on Google Images for the 'Technoviking'. I'm sure most of you know the guy/meme but just to be sure:


In case you're wondering, I do not remember why he flashed in my mind all of a sudden, but I was listening to some music on Youtube and I suppose there was a Suggested Video wink .

Either way, some of the Google Images were in fact redirecting to a scareware page, urging you to download a file to "clean" your computer. Some of the images that were infected:

Some infected Google Image results

If you click on any of them, you would get the following message:

"Windows Security" will perform a fast scan of system files

... and when clicking on "OK" you'll get the well-known fake scanning page:

Fake Scanning page finding numerous infections

The following file was downloaded:

Result: 18/41 (43.9%)
MD5: e705b657f5830eb2a43eee3a32f549c3
VirusTotal Report
ThreatExpert Report
Anubis Report

Today I checked again and the scareware/rogueware campaign is still active. I was now presented with another file that has a very low detection rate on VirusTotal:

Result: 2/41 (4.9%)
MD5: 56ce5479183913f2082bf0fd790dbaea
VirusTotal Report

The payload is a rogueware called 'MS Removal Tool'.

When executing the dropped file (BestAntivirus2011.exe) :

MS Removal Tool fake scanning screen

It is interesting to note that you would only get redirected when using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Neither on Firefox 3.6 or Firefox 4.0 the redirect would commence.


- Be careful when visiting any webpage. A useful trick is to check the real URL behind the image. Most of the times you can verify this by checking in the left corner of your browser:

Clicked on a picture and started loading this website instead of the original one

- Use browser extentions to verify the integrity of an image or URL. Useful add-ons for Google Chrome are for example VTchromizer, NotScripts and WOT .

- Keep your Antivirus and browser, as well as your browser add-ons up-to-date.

- If it is too late and a 'scan' is already starting, immediately close your browser by bringing up Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + DEL) and killing your browser's process:
  • a) For Google Chrome: chrome.exe or chrome.exe *32
  • b) For Mozilla Firefox: firefox.exe or firefox.exe *32
  • c) For Microsoft's Internet Explorer: iexplore or iexplore.exe *32


If the harm is already done and you are getting warnings, messages or pop-ups stating you are infected and you need to take 'immediate action' to clean your computer, follow the guide below at BleepingComputer's to rid yourself of this malware:

Remove MS Removal Tool


Don't be fooled by Google's preview of images, you can still get infected even though the site appears to be safe.

Follow the above prevention tips to decrease the chance of your computer becoming infected.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Facebook Support. Personal data has been changed!

There appears to be a new malicious email being sent out with the subject: "Facebook Support. Personal data has been changed! ID75300"

In a previous post I already explained a similar campaign:
Your FaceBook password has been changed

First of all, you would receive an email similar to this one:

Email claiming your personal data has been changed.

The email content is the following:

Dear user of FaceBook.

Your password is not safe! To secure your account the password has been changed automatically.

Attached document contains a new password to your account and detailed information about new security measures.

Thank you for your attention,
Administration of Facebook.

Your password from Facebook appears to be unsafe and you need to verify attached document to view your new login information. There is a file attached called "New_Password_NU44133.zip"

Inside the ZIP file you will find a file called New_Password.exe:

The file New_Password.exe is in fact not a Microsoft Word document, as you may suspect from the icon, but is in fact a malicious executable:

Result: 19/42 (45.2%)
MD5: 99a7cc6e674b94fbecef52f520c03dc3

The file also drops the following executable on the system:

Result: 39/42 (92.9%)
MD5: 4531d9d75dab83c957122538b6fc92ba

The executable also tries to connect (called "phoning home") to download additional malware. However, at time of writing the URLs were offline.


If you receive emails like this, you should already be alerted:
"Why would Facebook send me an email my password has been changed ?"

The answer is simple: they don't. Whether you have Facebook or not, instantly delete the email and don't look back.

Increase in Dutch banking phishing

Recently I made a post on Malware Disasters about an increase of targeted phishing in the last few monts. The focus was mainly on Dutch (and Belgian) customers of respectively Rabobank and ING, two major banks.

Here's a small excerpt:

The last few months there was an increase in a phishing campaign targeted on customers from Rabobank and ING, two major banks in The Netherlands and Belgium. Some examples of a phishing mail:

Phishing email for ING with the subject “Account Verificatie” (or in English: “Account Verification”)

You can read the full article here:

You can also download a Dutch (Nederlands) translation from the following link:
Click HERE to download. (hosted on Uploading.com)


The following tips do not only apply to the above story, but apply to any other (suspicious) email you receive:
  • Do not click on any of the links (or anything for that matter) in the email you have received.
  • Do not reply to the email.
  • Delete the email immediately, certainly if you are not a customer of the aforementioned bank or did not order anything, changed your password, and so on.

  • If you really need to access or check your bank account, visit the website directly by typing the address in your browser’s address bar. Also verify the URL starts with https instead of http.
  • Another useful trick is to hover over the link in the email. In the bottom left corner you should be able to see the real address behind the URL displayed.
  • When in doubt, you can double-check using URL scanning services such as VirusTotal or URLVoid
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