Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Vipasana ransomware new ransom on the block

Yet another ransomware is going around (since at least the 20th of December), which I've dubbed Vipasana ransomware due to where you need to send your encrypted files to:

Message in Russian, you need to mail vipasana4@aol.com to get your files back

The name may be derived from Vipassanā or 'insight meditation'.

The message in Russian reads:

твои файлы зашифрованы, если хочешь
все вернуть, отправь 1 зашифрованный файл на эту почту:


ВНИМАНИЕ!!! у вас есть 1 неделя что-бы написать мне на почту, по прошествии
этого срока расшифровка станет не возможна!!!!


Your files are encrypted, if you want them all returned,
send 1 encrypted file to this email:


ATTENTION!!! you have 1 week to send the email, after
this deadline decryption will not be possible !!!!

It seems these ransomware authors first want you to send an email before requiring any other action, rather than immediately (or in a certain timeframe) paying Bitcoins to get your files back. In this sense, their technique is novel. Instead of the usual 24/48/72h to pay up, they give you a week.

Do not be fooled: this does not make them 'good guys' in any way, they encrypted your files and as such are criminals.

Search results for vipasana4@aol.com are non-existent, with the exception of one victim hit by this ransomware:

Email addresses used in this specific ransomware campaign:

Files will be encrypted and renamed following below naming convention:

Where [XYZ] is also a random 'extension', the real extension is .cbf

ver-CL may refer to the version number of the ransomware, indicating there are older versions as well.

Targeted file extensions:

.r3d, .rwl, .rx2, .p12, .sbs, .sldasm, .wps, .sldprt, .odc, .odb, .old, .nbd, .nx1, .nrw, .orf, .ppt, .mov, .mpeg, .csv, .mdb, .cer, .arj, .ods, .mkv, .avi, .odt, .pdf, .docx, .gzip, .m2v, .cpt, .raw, .cdr, .cdx, .1cd, .3gp, .7z, .rar, .db3, .zip, .xlsx, .xls, .rtf, .doc, .jpeg, .jpg, .psd, .zip, .ert, .bak, .xml, .cf, .mdf, .fil, .spr, .accdb, .abf, .a3d, .asm, .fbx, .fbw, .fbk, .fdb, .fbf, .max, .m3d, .dbf, .ldf, .keystore, .iv2i, .gbk, .gho, .sn1, .sna, .spf, .sr2, .srf, .srw, .tis, .tbl, .x3f, .ods, .pef, .pptm, .txt, .pst, .ptx, .pz3, .mp3, .odp, .qic, .wps

I have sent over all necessary files to the good people over at Bleeping Computer, as there may be a way to recover files. If so, I will update this post.

Update - 12/02: thanks to a tweet from Catalin this appears to be another version of so called "offline" ransomware, discovered by Check Point:
“Offline” Ransomware Encrypts Your Data without C&C Communication

Note this is in fact a Cryakl variant.

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to recover your files once encrypted. Your best best in trying to recover files is using a tool like Shadow Explorer, which will check if you can restore files using 'shadow copies' or 'shadow volume copies'.

If that doesn't work, you may try using a data recovery program such as PhotoRec or Recuva


Ransomware is, unfortunately, long from gone. Almost each week or month, new variants or totally new strains of ransomware are popping up. In this way, the first and foremost rule is:

Create (regular) backups!

For more prevention advise, see here

You may also find a list of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs; hashes, domains, ...) over at AlienVault:
Vipasana ransomware


  1. Nice and informative post , i have been searching on different ransomwares , i found a newly found Jigsaw Ransomware that delete you system files if you delay to pay for decrypt your files, Well Thank to Bleeping Computer who provide Jigsaw Ransomware Removal Tool to decrypt your locked files for free,

  2. Nice post and informative , i also have found Jigsaw Ransomware Removal Tool To Decrypt your locked files, and also i found Ransomeware Removal Tool for decrypting Petya Ransomware.

  3. Nice post! In order to be protected from different ransomware you can use Anti-ransomware tool form Malwarebytes or Bitdefender and stop using flash. It is old, insecure, and rapidly losing support by other manufacturers in favor of better standards. But when infected, i recommend to use ShadowExplorer free tool to recover infected files from shadow copies!


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